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'Chamisa to defeat Mnangagwa with 53%' British survey group says

by Nkululeko Nyathi
07 Feb 2023 at 20:07hrs | Views
London-based research group SABI Strategy has under the instruction of the Brenthurst Foundation conducted a 2023 election survey whose results they say point to CCC leader nelson Chamisa winning with 53% of the vote against President Emmerson Mnangagwa's 40%.

The full survey report which is embedded below was done through an in-depth 15-minute phone survey questionnaire using 1 000 respondents.

The survey report further says 52% said they would vote for the CCC while only 40% said Zanu-PF.

In terms of effective governing, respondents believed the CCC would govern more effectively with 47% favouring it compared to 33% favouring Zanu-PF.

Read the full report below or download it here

Source - Byo24News