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WATCH: Prophet Edd Branson shocking business deals in America

by Mandla Ndlovu
10 Feb 2023 at 13:18hrs | Views
Popular blogger, Youtuber Political Analyst and Christian Commentator Zigo who is known for his anti-Prophets videos on Youtube has posted a video praising the works done by Ambassador Prophet Edd Branson in Africa and the United states of America.

In a rare video that has gone viral on the internet,  Zigo confesses that while he is known for criticizing Prophets, he was referenced to the works of Ambassador Branson by one stephen Ferengende and he saw it important to give honour where it is due.

Zigo says Branson is the fourth biggest Prophet in Zimbabwe after Prophets Uebert Angel, Walter Magaya, and Emmanuel Makandiwa and has been bagging accolades in the United states of America.

The video shows a screenshot of Branson's  appearance on Forbes magazine, the recognition given to him by New York Mayor Eric Adams and his recently appointment as the Principal Investment and Trade Advisor by The Gambia-Zimbabwe Chamber of Commerce.

Zigo ends the video by urging Men of God to emulate Ambassador Branson and venture into the world of entrepreneurship.

Watch the video below:

Source - Byo24News