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PHOTO: 1 000 CCC members defect to ZANU PF in Masvingo

by Mandla Ndlovu
10 Feb 2023 at 12:25hrs | Views
Former MDC Member of Parliament and leader of #Returnees4ED Tongai Matutu says his organisation has welcomed   1 000 former opposition CCC party members who defected to the ruling party ZANU PF.

Posting on Twitter, Matutu said they welcomed the activists at Bondolfi Teachers College in Masvingo.

"The #Reaturnees4ED mobilization agenda goes on. Today we took in more than 1000 returnees coming from the CCC at Bondolfi Teachers College. This year ED will get more than 6 million returnee votes and we wont rest until Chamisa is left with none other than his wife in the CCC." Said Matutu.

Recently the organisation recruited the late MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai's brother Collins Tsvangirai.
#Returnees4ED is one of the many organisation that sprouted in the recent past to garner support for President Emmerson Mnangagwa and ZANU PF ahead of the 2023 elections.

ZANU PF is looking forward to get 5 million votes for the presidency.

Source - Byo24News