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CCC refutes Gokwe violence allegations

by Staff reporter
14 Feb 2023 at 00:26hrs | Views
MAIN opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has dismissed allegations levelled against it by Zanu-PF over violence that erupted in Gokwe Sunday saying it is an attempt to soil its image ahead of upcoming general elections.

CCC and Zanu-PF supporters clashed and according to the ruling party, two people identified as Shylet Hatina and Temba Motsi were injured.

Zanu-PF has accused CCC supporters for instigating the violence, an accusation the opposition's Spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere Monday refuted.

"We condemn the unlawful, violent attack on our members by Zanu-PF thugs at our Gokwe Nembudziya rally yesterday. We were cleared by Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) to hold a rally at Mutora Business Centre. Zanu-PF is running scared. We want elections not war!

"We know why the regime is targeting Amos Chibaya. It's because they're terrified of the extent to which he has organized citizens especially in rural communities. Now they're cooking up false stories yet he was peacefully selling our alternative vision in Chivi yesterday," said Fadzayi Mahere in a series of tweets.

In September last year opposition supporters were allegedly injured Zanu-PF youths in Gokwe Kabuyuni.

Images have since circulated on social media of Hatina lying on a hospital bed with wounds on her head.

Political observers have predicted escalation of politically motivated violence in the build-up to upcoming elections.

Reached for comment, Zanu-PF director of information Tafadzwa Mugwadi appealed for intervention of Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP).

"We condemn in strongest terms, the violence metted against our supporters in Gokwe by Mr Chamisa's CCC hooligans. That has no place in our society. President Mnangagwa has been very loud and clear against all manner of violence as a means of soliciting for political support.

"We appeal to the Law enforcement agents to deal with these culprits decisively. The violence DNA of CCC has no place in our society at all. We pray for the quick recovery of our leaders who were needless victimised by those CCC hooligans," Mugwadi told

Source - NewZimbabwe