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'Chamisa's CCC a sinking ship,' says former ZINASU leader after shock move to Zanu-PF

by Staff reporter
14 Feb 2023 at 00:27hrs | Views
FORMER Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) spokesperson, Tatenda ‘Zuj' Mandondo who dumped Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) activism for Zanu-PF has described the Nelson Chamisa led party as a sinking ship which lacks seriousness.

Mandondo whose defection has shaken opposition and civil society circles was part of the hundreds unveiled and welcomed into the ruling party fold by President Emmerson Mnangagwa over the weekend.

The once vocal activist was part of a ZINASU executive that proved to be a pain for Mnangagwa at the height of nurses and doctors' protests in 2019.

"We all have choices and decisions to make in life that are necessary for national development and unity of purpose and for them to scrutinise thoroughly their continued stay in a sinking ship," Mandondo told

Mandondo was unveiled as a new recruit alongside late MDC founding President Morgan Tsvangirai's brother Collins, who was coming from the Douglas Mwonzora led MDC Alliance.

Images of Mandondo clad in Zanu-PF regalia and brandishing a clenched fist at the event were shared extensively.

Earlier on he had shared thoughts on his decision to let go of a democratic struggle that has characterised his two decades in activism.

He said his decision was informed by the fact that CCC seemed to be a project premised only on what Chamisa wants.

"My decision to join Zanu-PF was made of full body and mind inspired by the need to assist in the National framework and be part of a collaborative and unified political outfit that is does not exhibit traits of chaos, confusion and despondency," he said.

"The opposition lacks seriousness in its approach and is the lone voice of a lone man or elite individuals however with Zanu-PF you easily understand the command structure and still have your voice considered and your efforts acknowledged.

"The issue with some pressure groups masquerading as political parties is regrettable as they lack proper substance to capacitate the masses they claim to lead, they do not provide opportunities, the democracy narrative being toyed around with has shifted dramatically and drastically from the days of the late former Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and if they continue on their self-destructive path they will soon be a mere memory on the horizon."

Source - NewZimbabwe
More on: #Chamisa, #CCC, #Zanu-PF