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Tsvangirai's son denies Zanu-PF links

by Staff reporter
16 Feb 2023 at 04:55hrs | Views
GLEN View South legislator Vincent Tsvangirai (MDC-T) says he was not a Zanu-PF member and would never join the ruling party as it would be betrayal of his father, the late founding leader of the opposition MDC, Morgan Tsvangirai.

His uncle Collins was at the weekend paraded as a Zanu-PF returnee by the ruling party while reports suggested Vincent was about to beat the same path.

"Honestly, it's all rumours; I don't know where it is coming from. In Parliament, I sit on opposition benches.  I am not Zanu-PF. Secondly, I wouldn't have gone to Parliament as (a Zanu-PF) MP because I would have been recalled by my party, MDC-T,"  Vincent said.

"Nothing attracts me to Zanu-PF.  My father battled that party for a very long time. I don't know what will attract me to Zanu-PF, even in principle. On Tuesday, it was my father's memorial, so to go to Zanu-PF on the eve of myfather's memorial would be very unbelievable. I would never do that," Vincent said.

Meanwhile, Former MDC Member of Parliament and leader of #Returnees4ED Tongai Matutu claimed that his organisation had welcomed 1 000 former opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party members who defected to Zanu-PF.

"The #Reaturnees4ED mobilisation agenda goes on. Today we took in more than 1000 returnees coming from the CCC at Bondolfi Teachers College. This year ED will get more than six million returnee votes," Matutu said.

Source - Newsday Zimbabwe