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'Violent' ZANU PF Political Commissar to appear in Court

by Simbarashe Sithole
24 Feb 2023 at 17:15hrs | Views
ZANU PF national youth political commissar Tsungai Makumbe is set to appear in court on March 1 after his warrant of arrest was cancelled last week.

Makumbe  is facing an assault charge after he assaulted a top cop Stewart Chaire (42) last year in September.

Makumbe is set to appear at Nzvimbo circuit court.

Political analysts have blasted Makumbe for his violent nature.

"The violent character of Makumbe is not good for ZANU PF since the President is preaching peace and we have their Commissar assaulting people," Gift Nyabvure said.

Another analyst Hilton Bhobho said ZANU PF should give top posts to people with leadership qualities.

"It is disturbing to note that ZANU PF gives top posts to people without leadership qualities like Makumbe that will cost them in the looming elections," Bhobho added.

Source - Byo24News