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Zanu-PF cleric arrested

by Staff reporter
26 Feb 2023 at 15:44hrs | Views
Zanu-PF-aligned preacher Obadiah Musindo has been arrested and is detained at Harare Central police station on allegations he stole US$5,900 worth of cellphones.

According to NewZimbabwe, Musindo was arrested Monday 20 February.

The Destiny for Africa Network founder is alleged to have duped Munyaradzi Kereva who runs a mobile phones company in Harare of an iPhone 14 ProMax (256G) worth US$2,450, an iPhone 12 ProMax (256G) worth US$1,450, a Samsung S22 worth US$1,600 and a Samsung F12 worth US$300 last year October.

According to his docket, Musindo collected the phones and misrepresented to Kereva that he will be coming back with payment.

Musindo allegedly told Kereva he wanted to sell the phones to one of his clients at Sakunda Holdings offices.

He did not return as promised and evaded Kereva until his arrest.

Source - online