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Pastor4ED launch Matebeleland South Chapter

by Staff reporter
27 Feb 2023 at 07:12hrs | Views
PASTORS for Economic Development (ED) has launched its Matabeleland South chapter as the church fraternity steps up efforts to mobilise five million votes for President Mnangagwa and Zanu-PF ahead of the harmonised elections to be held later this year.

Speaking during the launch in Gwanda on Friday, Pastors for ED national secretary general, Dr Lesley Marisa said their target is to ensure that they have vibrant structures at the grassroots level.

"We now have structures in all 10 provinces and 71 districts and in addition to that we now have zonal structures in places like Harare and Bulawayo. We also have constituency structures in all constituencies in the country including at ward level," he said.

Dr Marisa said their target is to ensure that Matabeleland South province registers at least 300 000 voters.

"After people have been registered we now have to point them in the right direction so that they can vote for a party that has the interest of Africans at heart. A party that believes in Biblical principles that people have to be in possession of their God-given land and natural resources such as minerals," he said.

Dr Marisa said the Bible was wrongly used by early missionaries when they colonised the country.
"Now it is the time for today's church leaders to use the same Bible to ensure that the land and other natural resources remain in the hands of the rightful owners," he said.

Dr Marisa said people often criticise the church for supporting the Government and President Mnangagwa yet the Bible encourages the exaltation of the country's leaders.

Dr Marisa said the objective of Pastors for ED was to urge citizens to choose leaders that are committed to economically empower the citizens.

In speech read on his behalf by deputy director for coordination in the Office of the President and Cabinet, Ms Sikhangele Ndlovu, Matabeleland South Provincial Affairs and Devolution Minister Abednico Ncube said the church fraternity is a key institution in unifying the nation.

"This is a grand occasion where we see men and women of the cloth coming together to pray for their country, to stand in solidarity with their leaders and publicly reaffirm the need to work together and unite our country. What you have done as servants of God to bring us together and unite us as a people is very important," said Minister Ncube.

"God says love your neighbour as you would love yourself. Let's love one another and foster peace, love and harmony for economic development."

Minister Ncube lauded the church for taking a stand against the social ills facing the country such as drugs and substance abuse and other forms of criminality.

He said Government under the leadership President Mnangagwa has rolled out a number of development projects, some of which have started benefiting communities.

Minister Ncube urged the church to continue praying for the country, its citizens and leadership.

Source - The Chronicle