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Senators demand peaceful polls

by Staff reporter
02 Mar 2023 at 05:47hrs | Views
SENATORS have demanded that the country must hold peaceful polls this year.

Currently, Senate is debating a report on elections, where opposition senators are demanding free and fair polls.

Midlands' senator Morgen Komichi (MDC Alliance) said: "What we want to encourage is that when elections are conducted, there should not be chaos and violence in the country. People should be encouraged to choose their leaders knowing that this country likes democracy and upholds the Constitution so that peace prevails.  We need to unite and achieve national unity, let us not fight. If we unite, we bring peace. When there is peace, we will work together and we will be able to attain development as a country."

Komichi said the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, which has been given the responsibility must enforce adherence to a code of conduct to avoid bloody polls to avoid bloody elections.

Mashonaland Central senator Alice Chimbudzi (Zanu-PF) said:  "We must always preach peace during election time.  However, at times we hear political leaders encouraging violence and disharmony. The most important thing for us as Zimbabweans is to uphold the law, especially during the election period. Let us conduct our own elections and let us not peddle lies about violence or say negative things that tarnish the image of the country."

Mashonaland East senator Jane Chifamba (Zanu-PF) said: "Sometimes people really feel threatened during electoral periods as they fear violence.  We must ensure that violence does not recur.

 "Let us not behave like animals but let us live in harmony.  Elections come so that we choose leaders; let us do it in peace.  I emphasize to all leaders here, Members of Parliament, senators and village heads because we are the ones that do not obey instructions to maintain peace. If we have peace and harmony in this country we will not even feel the effects of sanctions."

Since 1980, Zimbabwe has had a history of electoral violence.

Source - Newsday Zimbabwe