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WATCH: Obama of Zimbabwean politics says he will win the Presidency with 74%

by Staff reporter
06 Mar 2023 at 16:31hrs | Views
The Democratic Union of Zimbabwe (DUZ) leader, Robert Chapman says he will win the Presidency with 74 percent of the poll.

"If I am to be honest we are targeting a majority."

Chapman says he decided to run for president in election set for later this year after getting frustrated by the collapse of Zimbabwe's economy and the state of opposition politics.

He broke out of his shell last year to announce his presidential aspirations for the upcoming general elections, much to the skepticism of political observers.

Chapman threw his hat into the ring where he is expected to battle it out against President Emmerson Mnangagwa and fellow opposition leader Nelson Chamisa.

Chapman is selling himself as the alternative voice on the political arena.

Zimbabwe has been dominated by two political protagonists, Zanu-PF and MDC with Citizens Coalition for Change rising from the latter's ashes also claim a stake.

Nicknamed the Obama of Zimbabwean politics, Chapman has been slowly attracting interest on social media.

Source - Byo24News
More on: #Chapman, #DUZ, #Zimbabwe