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Who wants to kill David Coltart?

by Staff reporter
07 Mar 2023 at 07:00hrs | Views
CITIZENS Coalition for Change (CCC) official and former Education minister David Coltart has claimed that unidentified people tampered with his Toyota Prado's braking systems.

Coltart revealed this on his Twitter account. The dirty job could have been done by a pro because on these cars, the brake light would have been illuminated to show faults on the braking system.

The CCC bigwig said the motive of the act is still unknown adding he has experienced similar interferences on his vehicles before.

The former Bulawayo East legislator said had he travelled with the car for another 100 to 200 kilometres, the brake system would have totally failed with "potentially devastating consequences" to his family which is routinely driven in that car.

Coltart says, "This is now the fourth time in the last 23 years that vehicles I use have been tampered with. The first occurred to a Nissan vehicle in the early 2000s when the brake lines were cut.

"The second occurred to the same vehicle a year later when the right inside tyre was deliberately burnt in a small area with the intention of causing it to burst."

"The worst was in 2012 when some of the front left wheel nuts were loosened in the same car affected by this incident, and the entire front left wheel came off when I was driving the car with my wife and youngest daughter in the vehicle with me."

Source - Agencies
More on: #Coltart, #Brakes, #Prado