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Bosso fans ecstatic about Madinda return

by Staff reporter
08 Mar 2023 at 00:30hrs | Views
A majority of Highlanders Football Club's followers have hailed management's decision to engage club legend Madinda Ndlovu as first team and director of junior development.

Bosso followers believe Ndlovu's return will aid the club's junior development, with the hope of having more players from the development structures making it into the senior team.

Ndlovu, whose appointment was confirmed on Monday, has signed a two-year contract with Highlanders to be the senior team's first assistant coach to Baltemar Brito.

With Joel Luphahla unqualified to sit on the bench as he does not have the required Caf A coaching badge, Highlanders had been hard-pressed to find someone who will sit with Brito on match days.

Last season, Brito cast a lone figure in the technical area after his assistants, Luphahla and Antonio Torres were prohibited from the bench as Zifa implemented club licensing which requires PSL coaches and assistant gaffer to be Caf A licence holders.

Below are some of Highlanders followers' comments on Ndlovu's appointment.

Polite Thulani Bhebhe: He has a sharp eye for talent and he believes in young blood.

Mxolisi Ndlovu: Director of Jnr development yes, yes, but Asst coach yikujayela ubhudasi lokhu. ubhudasi umkhulu kulalokho okwabo Asst. Yikupha umnewethu u don't touch we bhulugwe. Director of Jnr Development perfect, instead he should have been appointed director of football and manage umlungu lowu futhi.

Mpumelelo Fah Mbesuma Nkomazana: This is the best move ever, Siyabonga kakhulu mphathi … so let him do his job.

Mazibisa Shepherd Sindiso: Uyabona manje yiyo iBosso.

Ndeki Ndlela: This is the best news I have heard this year from Bosso. This is certainly a good move. Well done.

Isaac Mbedzi: Excellent fitting appointment.

Mthoe Leigh Ncube: Welcome back Madinda Ndlovu  . . . Sisazoyakha futhi.

Wellensly Fezela Malaba: Kodwa Bosso besicela ukuthi lizame by all means ukuthi limbhadale, you can't fail to pay him again this time around. Akuphindwa kabili.

Albert Thebe: Assistant Coach my foot!! This man is a seasoned coach who has not been anyone's assistant for a long time. Then he is appointed assistant coach at Bosso (not Barcelona's!!)!! Come on Bosso bosses! U have two bulls in the kraal and u best have a way to deal with the eventual fallout!! Eish you guys so!! Hayi ah!

Jonathan Siziba: Hats off Management good job uyazakala ngoku producer ama stars from juniors. Welcome back Shackie, show us who you are again.

Lenin Mititi Moyo: A welcome development all the best Madinda we have faith in you, please give nothing but your best.

Sicelo Lot Mdlawuzo: Welcome back Khathazile wena anytime you can go and you'll be welcomed back coz you're one of us bamba abafana sambe Ndlovini.

Francis Marawanyika: This was long overdue, we really needed someone who knows the history and culture of the club.

Tom Mthombeni: Good times are back at Bosso. We are assured of a strong junior policy. Madinda understands very well the spirit of Bosso and the root of its success.

Keepwell Zuzumbe: With Madinda no mediocre player will ever join Highlanders. He should have been recruited long back to assemble the team. The current squad is not good enough to compete.

Source - The Chronicle