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Bona Mugabe wants divorce granted quickly through the fast lane

by Staff reporter
08 Mar 2023 at 15:54hrs | Views
The late former president Robert Mugabe's daughter Bona took a fast lane to facilitate divorcing her husband Simba Chikore as she was fed up with his "shenanigans", insiders say.

She couldn't even wait to share properties with him first and also claimed nothing for her upkeep.

Evidence that Bona is fed up and wants divorce granted quickly through the fast lane.

This screenshot paragraphs below are contained in her High Court summons in which she instituted proceedings for divorce yesterday after living separately with Simba for nine months.

In her summons, Bona sought to park all issues which could delay the proceedings, saying they will be dealt with later, especially on properties and claiming the need to be maintained for sometime, as most women often do in such divorce cases even if they have survival means.

However, Bona is only claiming maintenance for her three kids at US$2 700 each a month.

This amounts to US$8 100 a month.

Source - Agencies
More on: #Bona, #Chikore, #Divorce