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ZANU PF vice chairman steals fertilizer

by Simbarashe Sithole
10 Mar 2023 at 17:19hrs | Views
ZANU PF Mazowe chairperson for ward 21 allegedly stole seven bags of Ammonium Nitrate fertilizer which were meant for Pfumvudza program.

Brack Mazenge (63) was dragged to Concession magistrate court facing theft.

He appeared before magistrate Joshua Nembaware today.

Prosecutor Precious Khanye alleged on March 6 at Mbembi primary school in Mazowe the suspect stole seven bags and sold them to Cannan Dumbura.

Community members observed the loot and reported it to the police leading to the arrest of the accused.

The matter continues on March 27.


Source - Byo24News