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Dr Qhubani Moyo seeking to represent Zanu-PF in Insiza

by Staff reporter
13 Mar 2023 at 03:15hrs | Views
Former MDC and ex- Zimbabwe Electoral Commission official, Qhubani Moyo is now seeking to represent Zanu-PF in the Insiza North constituency of Matabeleland South.

Dr Moyo was once Fairtalk Communications chief executive officer.

Dr Moyo, contested in the 2013 elections on the Professor Welshman Ncube led MDC ticket in the same constituency but lost to Zanu-PF's Andrew Langa.

He took a break from politics and joined the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission where he was appointed one of the commissioners. Dr Moyo was Zec spokesperson until his term lapsed and did not seek to serve for a second term.

He has since emerged as one of the candidates to contest in the ruling party's primary elections. The party has deployed Politburo members in various provinces to supervise the election process.

Bulawayo is led by Tshinga Dube; Harare Charles Tavengwa; Manicaland Patrick Chinamasa; Mashonaland Central Kenneth Musanhi; Mashonaland East Mike Bimha; Mashonaland West Christopher Mutsvangwa; Masvingo Lovemore Matuke; Matabeleland North Obert Mpofu; Matabeleland South Richard Ndlovu and Midlands Province Simbarashe Mumbengegwi.

Meanwhile, Prof Ncube, who was in Bulawayo at the weekend, met with former white commercial farmers at a local venue to share insights on Government's plan to compensate them for the improvements that were made in farms prior to the Land Reform Programme.

Government resolved to compensate white farmers for the developments they made on the farms following the fast-track Land Reform Programme, which was done in the early 2000s.

Government has set a US$3,5 billion budget to compensate former white farmers for the improvement made on the land.

The Treasury confirmed the meeting through a statement posted on its official social media platform, Twitter, on Sunday morning.

"Finance Minister engaged white commercial farmers in Bulawayo as Government steps up efforts to clear arrears, resolve its debt and agree on a compensation plan for farm improvements as part of the ongoing efforts to re-engage the international community and revive the economy," reads the statement.

Economic analysts have said the country's debt cancellation strategy was important as it would unlock potential investment to growth in the economy.

Source - The Chronicle