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Plot to shield a fugitive backfires

by Staff reporter
13 Mar 2023 at 03:16hrs | Views
A ZIMBABWE Anti-Corruption Commission (Zacc) investigator appeared at the Harare Magistrates Court on Saturday charged with criminal abuse of office after allegedly shielding a fugitive with three warrants of arrest.

Marlon Smart Mandofa, represented by Admire Rubaya, appeared before magistrate Ngoni Nduna who remanded him in custody to today for bail application.

It is the State's case that sometime in August 2021, the complainant Ofer Sivan reported a fraud case involving theft of trust property, tax evasion and externalisation of almost US$1,3 million from Zimbabwe to South Africa against his co-directors Gilad Shabtai and Munyaradzi Gonyora.

The case is currently being investigated by the Criminal Investigations Department (Commercial Crimes Division).

Gonyora was arrested and appeared at the Harare Magistrates Court.

Shabtai was not located and three warrants of arrest were issued by two different magistrates.

The State alleges it was known to Zacc officials and the accused that on September 21, 2022, High Court judge Justice Tawanda Chitapi ruled that Gonyora and Shabtai's conduct be declared fraud against Adlecraft Investments (Pvt) Ltd and the two accused persons were ordered to pay back the externalised US$1,3 million.

 It is alleged in an act of showing favour to Shabtai, the Zacc officials chose to turn a blind eye.

Mandofa and his accomplices allegedly then lied that an anonymous person filed a report of forgery against Sirvan.

It is further alleged that Mandofa then teamed up with his accomplices and received a report from Gonyora who was appearing at Harare Magistrates Court on routine remand and Shabtai (on the run).

It is further alleged that Mandofa and his accomplices were aware of an investigation against Gonyora and Shabtai which started in August 2021, but went on to arrest Sirvan at the peak of CID investigations.

It was upon Sirvan's arrest that he queried his arrest since Shabtai at the time could not have contacted Zacc due to a pending warrant of arrested from CID.

It is alleged Sirvan's plea was disregarded by Zacc officials and he was immediately detained and subsequently arraigned before the courts, while Shabtai was receiving preferential treatment from Zacc officials.

It is further alleged that one of Shabtai' warrants of arrest was shown to Mandofa, who reportedly ignored it.

The State avers that as law enforcement officers, they had the duty of joining hands with other agents and assist in hunting down a fugitive of justice.

Shabtai's travel history indicated that he had been visiting the country despite a warrant of arrest.

Source - Newsday Zimbabwe
More on: #Fugitive, #Shield, #Plot