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Zimbabwe opposition facing worst-ever defeat in upcoming elections

by Staff reporter
20 Mar 2023 at 09:46hrs | Views
MDC Alliance chairman Morgen Komichi has warned that the opposition in Zimbabwe might be heading for a disaster in the upcoming harmonised elections later in the year.

Komichi said President Emmerson Mnangagwa might prove to be more popular than his predecessor the late Robert Mugabe and win by a huge margin against the opposition, basing his argument on research by the Zimbabwe Democracy Institute (ZDI).

Komichi said the current situation in rural constituencies where traditional leaders have allegedly been captured by the ruling party Zanu-PF leaves the opposition at a disadvantage.

"Right now, the village chairman is the headman. Whilst we might think Mnangagwa was less popular than Mugabe, the results might be different in which Mnangagwa might actually win the best results ever in the history of this country.

"We might actually face the worst opposition defeat. We are worse off than ever before. We can face disaster whilst people have high hopes," Komichi said.

Source - online