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Cop abuses office in inheritance wrangle

by Tendai Guvamombe in Harare
22 Mar 2023 at 17:14hrs | Views
A Highfield family has exposed a Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) officer for interfering in an inheritance dispute.

A policeman who identified himself as Constable Mwachema from Police General Headquarters, Victims Friendly Unit went to Highfield House Number 5641 Old Cannan sometime in September last year saying that he had been sent to chase away a tenant in order to create a space for a family relative.

The officer further alleged that Martin Shata based in United Kingdom filed a report with Police General Headquarters against his young brother Dennis Shata for refusing to accommodate one of their nephew(muzukuru) Tinotenda Shata (26).

The two brothers are fighting over control of the house following the death of their mother last year. The issue is before the courts.

In audios accessed by this publication, Constable Mwachema is heard on several occasions instructing Dennis Shata to create accommodation space for Tinotenda Shata (Muzukuru).

"How far are you interms of creating a room for Tinotenda. Your brother phoned me this morning from UK this is what he wants."

In another audio Constable Mwachema is heard saying that he had phoned a tenant where he instructed them to vac ate the house.

"I phoned one of your tenant and I want to know when Tino is coming back home."

According to Dennis Shata, the constable has been frequently visiting them forcing them to respect the wishes of their UK based brother.

"We are having sleepless nights because of you Constable Mwachema. Why are you meddling in the affairs of our inheritance disputes? Where do you fit in our family issue? This matter is before the courts so tell me, as an officer how do you come in on our family dispute?

In an interview with this publication, Constable Mwachema refused to comment after being asked why he acted in the affairs of a family dispute.

"I work under Commissioner General Matanga, please go and ask authorities handling the matter. I only came to Highfield to save them papers."

Instantly, Martin Shata from UK phoned this publication questioning the interview held with Constable Mwachema.

"Look here it does not m atter which police officer or police station is handling this matter. All I want is to see is Tinotenda coming back home. As a journalist, you must verify your sources well. Have you been paid to write a story about us? I will do everything to make Tino come home."

 Police Spokesperson Senior Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyati said his office was now carrying out investigations on the matter. He also said the Zimbabwe Republic Police does not condone such acts from members of the force.

"We do not condone abuse of office by our members to settle scores on inheritance issues. I will assure you we will look into the allegation. Will look into detail and refer to his relevant commanders."

Source - Byo24News