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Al Jazeera exposé: 'A fiction D grade movie' with 'over exaggerating pastor'

by Ndou Paul
24 Mar 2023 at 03:20hrs | Views
The chairperson of Zimbabwe Anti-Sanctions Movement and founder of Zimbabweans Unite Against US War Sanctions, Rutendo Matinyarare, has described the 1st episode of Al Jazeera exposé Gold Mafia documentary as "a fiction D grade movie with bad acting by a convicted criminal."

Matinyarare questioned how one can put 1.2 billion USD in a bag. In the documentary Ambassador-at-large Uebert Madzanire, alias Uebert Angel claims "right now, I can have a bag like this with 1.2 billion. And put red tape written diplomat.

"That's it... It will land in Zimbabwe."

"Zimbabwe can't touch it until it gets to my house.

"There, you can understand. There can be a diplomatic plan."

Matinyarare said on Twitter:
"was a fiction D grade movie with bad acting by a convicted criminal, fraudster who was tried in Kenya and over exaggerating pastor. It only became real when a real FBI agent confirmed that Zimbabwe was sanctioned to remove it from the financial system and this…"

Source - Byo24News