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Former Zinara chief executive convicted of violating tender procedures

by Staff Reporter
27 Mar 2023 at 21:31hrs | Views
FORMER Zinara chief executive officer, Saston Muzenda, has been convicted of violating tender procedures and awarded an undeserving security company to offer its services at the expense of two other firms that had been awarded the job.

Muzenda was convicted after trial which was heard before Harare regional magistrate Mrs Feresi Chakanyuka charged with criminal abuse of office as a public officer.

He was found guilty of allowing an Ex-Combatants Security company to provide its services to ZINARA when the board had already given Modern Security and Real Star Security companies the same job.

Muzenda is expected back in court tomorrow for his mitigation submissions.

In her judgment, Mrs Chakanyuka said there was no justification for Muzenda to award the tender to Ex-Combatants when the board had already contracted Modern Security and Real Star.

The court also noted in its judgment that Muzenda defied the board's directive of finding another way to deal with Ex-Combatants, since he was directed to deal with it amicably.

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