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Mnangagwa honoured as Minister of God

by Staff reporter
30 Mar 2023 at 06:33hrs | Views
IT was a carnival atmosphere at Harare City Sports Centre yesterday as President Mnangagwa was adorned in a robe of recognition and also received a certificate of honour for his commitment to the Zimbabwe cause.

The President, who was accompanied by Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, was received with a standing ovation from the Pastors for Economic Development, who, phones in hand, started taking photographs, freezing moments with the country's leader who has kept his door ever open for dialogue and engagements with all groups, both the haves and have-nots.

"Allow me to thank this august congregation of preachers of the Gospel, from diverse denominations, for the Conferment of Ordination Certificate of Recognition and Honour, which I humbly accept. Undoubtedly, this marks a unique moment in my life and service to our great motherland, Zimbabwe. Ndinokutendayi mose, I thank you all, Ngiyalibonga lonke," said President Mnangagwa.

Quoting the Bible, Bishop Never Pavari of the Zimbabwe Union Council of Churches said Zimbabwe is in safe hands under the leadership of President Mnangagwa for leaders are ordained in the scriptures.

"You have the stewardship of the people of Zimbabwe in your hands, when you say Vision 2030 we understand and know heaven's input. We will support and continue to pray for you because we know you deliver. The church is wholly behind you," said Bishop Pavari.

He said the City Sports Centre was packed with men and women of the cloth in a testimony of the hand of God that is using President Mnangagwa to uplift Zimbabweans.

"The servants of God have openly, unwaveringly, supported the leadership of President Mnangagwa. As the Zimbabwe Union Council of Churches, we will continue to support, to pray for you, to raise the flag of Zimbabwe. We know a prayed and loved leader delivers and we are the major beneficiaries of your policies.

"We as cross denominations will support you, we will play our part to deliver you and Zanu-PF to victory," said the Bishop.

He prayed for the country, peace and all servants of God putting double shifts to transform the country towards Vision 2030, to become an upper-middle-class economy. Founder of Pastors for Economic Development, Evangelist Idirashe Dongo, said pastors are now fully mindful of the country's history and will defend it from any threat.

"Now the pastors appreciate that they are also comrades, when we started they really did not appreciate that position. We are bound, as war veterans were during the liberation struggle, to pursue the same objectives and vision. We said to ourselves that the leader of Zimbabwe carries the nation, so we thought it appropriate to honour you, you have been at the forefront since the liberation struggle," she said.

"Under the New Dispensation we are enjoying unprecedented freedom of worship, under you, there is peace prevailing throughout the country. As the church, we submit to the powers that be. We will not be led astray by outsiders, we know our leaders are ordained by God, and we have ordained the President as a Minister of God. In the 10 provinces, we have been there and the message is let us follow our leader".

Evangelist Dongo assured the President that as the country readies for elections, the Church will vote for him and his party Zanu-PF.

Source - The Herald