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'Let bygones be bygones,' says Nyathi

by Simbarashe Sithole
04 Apr 2023 at 13:41hrs | Views
The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi has said police and the media now have a good working relationship since the New Dispensation.

Addressing journalists in Harare on Tuesday Assistant Commissioner Nyathi said the sour relationship that was previously there between the police and media is now history.

"I would like to assure all journalists that they will get stories from the police despite their different media organisations of late the relationship was bad but now we are engaging each other and let bygones be bygones," he said.

Nyathi also assured the media that the ZRP is going to educate their junior officers on good relations with the media since they save the same constituency.

"The police and the media we save the same constituency that is the public and l am so happy that at this meeting there are various commanders who will also teach our junior officers to work in peace with the media", he added.

The police also warned journalists to desist from abusing power and press
 cards and respect the rule of law.

After the meeting, the parties agreed to have quarterly meetings.

Source - Byo24News