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Man left for dead in revenge attack

by Staff reporter
20 Apr 2023 at 10:27hrs | Views
A ZHOMBE man is battling for life in hospital after being attacked by three assailants in a revenge attack.

Joshua Zigandiwa (24) of Village Kasekerere under Chief Ntabeni was reportedly beaten to a pulp by three men after a misunderstanding over an issue that "occurred long ago" ensued during a beer drinking spree at Ngigeni Business Centre in Zhombe.

Midlands Police Spokesperson, Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko said the misunderstanding arose between Zingandiwa and Mthabisi Matengambiri (18) of Village Sindi over a long-standing grudge. Inspector Mahoko.

Matengambiri resultedly struck Zigandiwa with an axe once on the cheek before handing the axe to Lungisani Ndlovu (18) who also struck Zigandiwa on the back of the head.

As if that was not enough, another member of the gang, Thulani Siwela (20), also took an empty bottle and struck the complainant once on the head resulting in him falling unconscious.

Police officers who were on patrol came to Zigandiwa's rescue and apprehended the three suspects and helped rush the complainant to hospital where he is said to be battling for life.

Investigations are in progress.

Source - The Chronicle
More on: #Revenge, #Attack, #Dead