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'Pray for Mnangagwa to live long'

by Staff reporter
05 May 2023 at 01:19hrs | Views
CHIEF Sikombingo of Lower Gweru in the Midlands province says traditional leaders should pray for long life for President Emmerson Mnangagwa, adding that the country needed him to fulfil his vision.

Speaking yesterday at a Zanu-PF Gweru inter-district meeting, Chief Sikombingo said: "We say long live the President. We support him and we are always with him in our prayers. God should bless him."

Mnangagwa turns 81 on September 15 this year.

Traditional leaders have openly shown their allegiance to Zanu-PF and Mnangagwa despite the country's Constitution clearly stating that they should be apolitical.

Zanu-PF has over the years pampered chiefs with top-of-the-range vehicles as well as electrifying their homes, among other freebies.

The bootlicking of the country's leaders was common during the presidency of the late Robert Mugabe, who died at the age of 95 at a hospital in Singapore.

Mugabe was ousted by Mnangagwa with the assistance of the military in 2017.

Source - Southern Eye
More on: #Mnangagwa, #Pray, #Chief