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ZANU PF councillor hits the ground

by Simbarashe Sithole
06 May 2023 at 05:51hrs | Views
ZANU PF Mazowe North Ward 6 councillor Shamei Sande is walking the talk in infrastructural development as he has built school blocks and renovated a clinic in his ward.

Makope clinic chairperson Manyowa Marimira said Sande is playing a pivotal role in infrastructural development as he renovated a clinic that had been idle since pre-independence.

"We are happy to have a hard working councillor in our ward this clinic was dilapidated and he has since renovated it's structures and he also donated a water pump," Marimira said.

Gunguwe Secondary School acting deputy head Mr Evans Mapfiro said he is building a school block and maintaining school grounds among other things at their school.

"We are blessed to have Mr Sande in our ward he is doing great work from his pocket, he is building this school block, he renovated all the school block and has since promised to fund a chicken project for the school to generate its own funds," Mapfiro explained.

Sande also built a school office at Jaji Primary there by receiving a lot of praise from the struggling school and parents in Chiweshe.

Speaking to this publication Sande said he is always ready to help.

"Helping is my hobby,l am always ready to help so l decided to venture into politics so that l can help peoe and all these projects l am running are for the community hence my ward should develop as our President Emmerson Mnangagwa says Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo we are the people hence we should develop it," Sande said.

He also promised to fight drug abuse through sport.

"I am going to sponsor ball games so that youths get occupied and shun drugs which are killing our nation."

ZANU PF Mazowe district youth chairperson Privilledge Chitamda confirmed that Sande is supporting youths through sport.

"As youths we are happy to have councillor Sande he has since donated balls and soccer jerseys for our local clubs and we are hopping to have tournaments that he promised to sponsor," Chitanda said.

Sande's works have put Mazowe North on the map since few councillors across the country can afford to fund projects from their own pockets.

Source - Byo24News