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Mnangagwa legitimacy challenger issued with a warrant of arrest

by Staff reporter
09 May 2023 at 14:20hrs | Views
The trial of political activist Sybeth Musengezi failed to continue today after he failed to turn up at the court.

His lawyer Mr Douglas Co'tart told the court that his client was sick.

"I have been advised that the accused person has fallen ill and was unable to attend court today. I would propose that this matter be postponed to a date where the accused person has recovered. I would suggest May 18," said Mr Cokart.

However, in response, prosecutor Mr Tafara Chirambira proposed that he be issued with a warrant of arrest.

"I direct the court to section 194(2) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act. We ask that a warrant of arrest be issued as the court did not give the accused person leave to default," he said.

Harare magistrate Mrs Yeukai Dzuda then issued Musengezi with a warrant of arrest.

Musengezi is facing allegations of using a fake address to join Zanu-PF structures and earn himself a position in the party.

He has made several attempts to delay the commencement of his trial.

Source - The Herald
More on: #Warrant, #Arrest, #Court