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ZANU-PF MP in revenge porno

by Paul Ndou
11 May 2023 at 13:40hrs | Views
Mutare South Member of Parliament Jefrey Ngome (ZANU PF)  has been fingered in revenge porno after losing the seat in the primary elections.

Ngome is reportedly angry to lose the seat to Douglas Dumbarimwe.

The losing MP Ngome is alleged to have bribed his girlfriend Patricia Kudhlande who is also Central Committee member to influence party Commissar  Mike Bimha to overturn results.

After seeing that Dumbarimwe had been declared the winner he allegedly leaked Kudhlande's nude pics in various party groups yesterday.

Both Ngome and Kudhlande decided not to comment on the issue to when they were contacted.

However, ZANU PF is discouraging party members to attack each other on social media platforms

Source - Byo24News