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Sangoma's wife cheats on him with best friend

by Staff reporter
12 May 2023 at 05:58hrs | Views
DATING or marrying a sangoma is no child's play, as they are believed to have strong spiritual powers to see if their wives or husbands are cheating on them.

They are also believed to see it before it even happens and so the advice is that always be careful with them before making a big mistake in your life, never cross or underestimate their ancestral or spiritual gifts.

But one sangoma from Fox Farm in Glendale, Mashonaland Central province's spiritual powers were questioned after one of his wives cheated on him with his best friend.

Prince Chauruka (24) apparently cursed his muthi for not being invincible after he caught his wife Petronella Ngulube in bed with his friend Trymore Kademaunga.

Circumstances are that on 2 May at around 5am, Chauruka who has two wives went to his other wife Petronella's house.

Upon arrival he didn't believe his eyes when he discovered his best friend Kademaunga in bed with Petronella.

When he saw that things had turned ugly, Kademaunga tried to run away but he was caught in no time and was dealt with when a distraught Chauruka took a water glass and hit him once on the head with it.

Kademaunga sustained a deep cut on the head and was referred to Concession Hospital for medical attention.

The matter was reported to the police leading to Chauruka's arrest.

For the offence Chauruka was dragged to court and appeared before Concession magistrate Joshua Nembaware charged with assault as defined in Section 89 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act Chapter 9:23.

He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment of which six months were suspended for a period of five years on condition he does not within that period commit any offence of which assault is an element for which upon conviction he will be sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine.

The remaining six months were further suspended on condition Chauruka completes 210 hours of community service at Glendale Government Offices.

In mitigation Chauruka pleaded for leniency saying he got angry after he found his friend in bed with his wife.

"I am a traditional healer and I have two wives and each has got two children.

"I got angry after I found the complainant stark naked in bed with one of my wives. The complainant is my friend. I hit him with a water glass and I am sorry for my actions," pleaded Chauruka.

Precious Khanye appeared for the State.

Source - B-Metro
More on: #Sangoma, #Wife, #Lover