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Zanu-PF in panic mode

by Staff reporter
13 May 2023 at 15:43hrs | Views
The ruling party Zanu-PF is in panic mode as another 'Bhora Musango' is looming following chaotic primary elections which are yet to be concluded since there are reruns in some provinces.

Speaking during a Provincial Coordinating Committee (PCC) meeting recently, the Provincial Chairperson Robson Mavhenyengwa called for immediate action to unite people who are threatening a Bhora Musango.

Mavhenyengwa said there was need for a healing processes to unite people and make sure that those who lost support the winners.

"We have a directive from Harare. We have been instructed to go for healing processes in the rural areas and unite people. We need to console those who lost because some are still wailing and some are contemplating Bhora Musango," said Mavhenyengwa.

He warned winners against celebrating their victory saying it pains others whom they need to win the next election and said the resources intended for those celebrations could be directed towards campaigns.

"We hear you are celebrating your victories but that is against the party. If one decides to slaughter his cattle for celebration, tell us so that we come for campaign launch not celebrating. Celebrating is not allowed, the president said there is no winner or loser in Zanu-PF," he added.

Mavhenyengwa went on to say there were other District Coordinating Committee (DCC) members who were sleeping on duty and not operating at all saying when meetings are called, only five out of 23 will be in attendance.

"There are other DCCs which are not operating at all, out of 23, you will get only five members attending, so we have asked them to appear before our disciplinary committee and if they are not willing to work they should leave and allow those who want to work for the party to do so. Mwenezi is the worst on that. We went there before elections and after, they were not there," said Mavhenyengwa.

Speaking at the same event, Zanu-PF national secretary for security and Gutu senator Lovemore Matuke said this time around they were going to use scientific means to campaign which will allow Masvingo alone to neutralize Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Harare votes.

"We told the President to give us Harare, we want to neutralize it with Masvingo alone and other areas will be a bonus. Masvingo should break the record because this is the president's home area," said Matuke.

He warned those fueling Bhora Musango that they risk facing disciplinary action as the party will not tolerate detractors from within.

"When we come for healing, we have to make sure that they heal not to add salt to those who are pained. However, those threatening Bhora musango, we will also put them into the bush, we can't let you do Bhora Musango and leave you there. The disciplinary office should be open because we will have other people on disciplinary over this issue. Those who refuse if we are alive over the next five years will not contest as candidates again.

"After healing, we will ask you chairman to allow us to sit down with church leaders, chiefs, school heads, to approach constituency by constituency and identify semi liberated zones. Our advantage is that we are fighting an opponent without structures, so it's easier to take people who are structure less and put them where there are structures.

"I know when we enter into elections there are squabbles, so I want to tell you that all those positions you are fighting for are not yours, you are representing the party, we are no longer asking how you got there so don't praise yourself. So you should go and talk to the people whom you were fighting with because for you to win the general election it's a result of unity with those people," added Matuke.

Zanu-PF has since called for election rerun in some provinces for local authorities and Masvingo has none though there were a lot of contested results in the province.

Source - TellZim News
More on: #Zanu-PF, #Bhora, #Musango