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'Mobilise huge numbers for Zanu-PF'

by Staff reportetr
14 May 2023 at 11:32hrs | Views
Zanu-PF Women's League Secretary for Administration Senator Monica Mutsvangwa has implored party members in Mutare North constituency to vote in large numbers and desist from "protest voting" during harmonised elections set for August.

Speaking during a Women's League rally at Odzi High School yesterday, Sen Mutsvangwa — who is also Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister — urged party cadres to remain united.

"Shun protest voting as it has proven over the years that it does not benefit anyone but the opposition, which in turn abuses power and funds. The Women's League should continue mobilising people to go and register so that the anticipated five million votes will come easy for the revolutionary party.

"We want a resounding victory. Now is the time to do away with primary election grudges. Help build bridges and the party should come first. We do not keep grudges in the party," she said.

Sen Mutsvangwa encouraged party members to vote for Zanu-PF Central Committee member Admire Mahachi for the Mutare North National Assembly seat.

Addressing the same gathering, Manicaland province political commissar Albert Nyakuedzwa said the constituency has at least 33 000 registered voters, with the majority set to vote for Zanu-PF.

"People in this constituency love the revolutionary party as evidenced by how it was voted for in previous elections. The party's structures are up to date and we promise you that the President will get the most votes in this constituency," he said.

Source - The Sunday Mail