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Rtd Brig General's wife kills goat thief

by Simbarashe Sithole
20 May 2023 at 08:02hrs | Views
Wife to retired Brigadier General Urayayi Morgan Munava, (Gloria) is in soup after she allegedly bashed a suspected goat thief to death.

Gloria Mukorera was dragged to Concession magistrates courts facing a murder charge yesterday.

She was not asked to plead to a murder charge by magistrate Mr Joshua Nembaware and remanded in custody to June 9.

The state led by Mr Munyaradzi Nengomasha alleged on May 18 the now deceased Lameck Maturo a former employee to Brig Munava  broke into his pen to steal goats with his accomplices.

Munava's guards managed to arrest the now deceased while his accomplices fled in a Honda Fit.

Maturo was taken to Munava's homestead while the Brig and the guards chased after his accomplices.

Maturo was left in the hands of Gloria who assaulted him with a fan belt all over the body before soaking him in water.

He was severely beaten and he died on the spot.

Brig Munava filed a police report leading to his wife's arrest and she is currently admitted at Concession hospital lamenting High Blood Pressure.

Source - Byo24News