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WATCH: ZANU PF electorate protest

by Simbarashe Sithole
28 May 2023 at 07:02hrs | Views
ZANU PF electorate in Maramba constituency, Mashonaland East recently protested against their provincial leadership which endorsed Tichaona Karimazondo who won in the ended chaotic primary elections.

Karimazondo retained his post amid serious rigging by Forever Associates Zimbabwe (FAZ).

When the leadership tried to bury the primary elections tension they burst into songs "Hatidi zvemadhisinyongoro" thereby ending the meeting prematurely.

However, there is an outcry across the country over the newly "elected" candidates who are not people's favourites.

Last week Midlands Provincial Affairs Larry Mavhima was forced to flee an angry ZANU PF mob that was protesting against alleged of the ruling party's primary elections in the Gokwe-Chireya constituency.

A fortnight Zanu PF deployed party secretary for security Lovemore Matuke to douse rising tensions across the country.

The recent ban on the use of social media platforms over allegations of fanning divisions has also torched a storm within the ruling Zanu PF party structures ahead of the harmonised elections.

The Zanu PF national security department last week directed all provinces to ban the use of WhatsApp and other social media platforms by its supporters

Source - Byo24News