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80 000 Zimbabwean women abort each year, says USAid

by Staff reporter
30 May 2023 at 01:45hrs | Views
AN estimated 60 000 to 80 000 women in Zimbabwe undergo illegal abortions annually, a new survey by the United States Agency for International Development (USAid) and Internews has revealed.

The survey also states that 16% of the women die during the process.

"It is estimated that between 60 000 and 80 000 women in Zimbabwe undergo illegal abortions every year, contributing to 16% of maternal deaths," read the report.

"Unintended pregnancies, fear of gender-based violence (GBV) from fathers who may not want the child and restrictive abortion laws are some facilitators of illegal abortions," they said.

The report states that women end up engaging in illegal termination of pregnancies due to several reasons such as restrictive laws.

"The Termination of Pregnancy Act allows for abortion under limited circumstances such as when the pregnancy endangers the life of the woman or threatens to permanently impair her physical health, if the child may be born with serious physical or mental defects, or if the foetus was conceived from rape or incest.

"The law further provides that no person is allowed to assist in the termination of pregnancy without legal authorisation and no medical practitioner, nurse or any person employed in a hospital is allowed to assist with unauthorised termination of pregnancy. These provisions leave behind many women and girls needing the services," the report says.

USAid said community health workers should conduct awareness campaigns on the dangers of abortion.

"Community health workers can share information, education and communication materials with women, young women and youths, to educate them on the dangers of unsafe abortions and existing referral pathways to receive support when contemplating abortion.

"Community health workers can facilitate sexual reproductive health talks with adolescents in schools and community meetings to raise awareness on available contraception methods."

Source - Newsday
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