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Mnangagwa says transparency guaranteed ahead of elections

by Staff reporter
05 Jun 2023 at 13:57hrs | Views
PRESIDENT Mnangagwa has said his administration guarantees transparency ahead of the August 23 harmonised elections.

Writing in his weekend column in Sunday News and Sunday Mail, the President said the proclamation date was done on time to ensure that no political party or candidate feels shortchanged.

President Mnangagwa through a Government Gazette last Wednesday proclaimed the poll date to elect the President, Members of Parliament (National Assembly and Senators), and councillors.
The Nomination Court will sit on June 21.

President Mnangagwa said the opening of the voters' roll will enable the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) to address any anomalies and enhance transparency in the coming election.

"Equally, our election management body, the ZEC last week opened the voters' roll for inspection by the general public. This, again, is meant to ensure transparency, and to cure any mistakes or anomalies which might be on the roll," he said.

"I am happy that many Zimbabweans went out to inspect the voters' roll, and that any anomalies they might have been, were drawn to ZEC's attention for corrective action."

President Mnangagwa said Government will also invite election observers as part of its efforts to prove to the world that the country's polls are conducted openly.

He said the invited election observers are expected to adhere to the stipulated regional and international observer guidelines.

"At an appropriate time, Government will invite international observers to our elections, which must run transparently, strictly in terms of our laws, and in fulfillment of guidelines set out by the Southern African Development Community, Sadc, our sub-regional body," said President Mnangagwa.

"The Government will ensure those invited to observe our elections get their invitations in ample time to make that exercise meaningful but compliant."

The President said the ongoing amendments to the Electoral Act are important as they will inform how the country runs future elections.

He said it was pleasing to note that since 1985, Zimbabwe has religiously held general elections in line with the dictates of the law.

Source - The Chronicle