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Aspiring ZANU PF MP, councilor nearly trade blows

by Staff Reporter
08 Jun 2023 at 16:30hrs | Views
Aspiring Mazowe North ZANU PF Member of Parliament Tsungai Makumbe nearly traded blows with the losing candidate Campion Mugweni whom he defeated in the primary elections.

Mugweni has since swallowed his pride and is now vying for a councillor post in Mvurwi ward five.

The two are not seeing each other eye to eye since Mvurwi electorate is not attending ZANU PF meetings.

Recently Makumbe and Mugweni clashed at a drug abuse meeting and nearly traded blows after a poor gathering.

Makumbe accused Mugweni of sabotaging the party and is pushing for Makumbe's lose to opposition.

A senior party member told that the two are at logger heads and the beef is emanating from primary elections.

"There is a serious tension between the two and unfortunately when they held a anti drug abuse meeting which was poorly attended they clashed and nearly traded blows," the source said.

"The party leadership is trying hard to unite the two and we hope they will reconcile since we are about to face the opposition."

Both Mugweni and Makumbe refused to comment on the matter.

However, a lot of candidates in ZANU PF are disgruntled and are likely to let their supporters vote for opposition dubbed "bhora musango."

Source - Byo24News