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Drug addict jumps to his death

by Simbarashe Sithole in Bindura
16 Jun 2023 at 21:54hrs | Views
Failure to control one self on drugs costed the life of Murehwa man Polite Nimba (21) who jumped to his death in a disused mine shaft in Bindura yesterday.

Mashonaland Central deputy police spokesperson Sergeant Major Samuel Chikasha confirmed the case.

Allegations are that Polite Nimba was pannning for gold at Botha mine when he started behaving strange under the influence of drugs.

Nimba who could not be controlled by his colleagues ran in a shaft and threw himself.

He died on the spot and his body is yet to be retrieaved.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa is urging the police and judiciary to deal seriously with drugs since they are impacting negatively on youths mainly.

Source - Byo24News