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Jabulani Sibanda likens opposition to the devil

by Staff reporter
19 Jun 2023 at 06:38hrs | Views
CONTROVERSIAL Zanu-PF Bulawayo provincial chairperson Jabulani Sibanda has sensationally claimed the ruling party represents God, urging aspiring parliamentarians to secure seats in the upcoming polls which he likened to a ‘war with the devil'.

Sibanda is infamous for spearheading a nationwide reign of terror during the 2008 presidential run-off and 2013 elections which saw violence perpetrated on opposition supporters.

In 2014, he was booted out of Zanu-PF by then leader former President Robert Mugabe whom he had accused of planning a bedroom coup and later re-joined the party in 2021.

The former war vets chairperson was addressing ex-combatants during an interaction program organised by Local Government Minister and parliamentary candidate July Moyo in Redcliff.

"They are electing you to go and defend that seat in parliament. That seat will not be occupied by God's enemy. The war is no longer between Zanu-PF and opposition parties.

"The war is between God and the devil and Zanu-PF represents God," Sibanda said.

RELATED: Jabulani Sibanda Rejoins Zanu-PF

He urged unity among Zanu-PF members ahead of the August 23. This follows reports of bhora musango threats by disgruntled party supporters and candidates who lost in the internal polls held in March.

"I was in the liberation war, I saw blood flowing, I didn't see Ndebele blood, I didn't see Shona blood or a Tonga blood, I saw blood of liberation war fighters as war veterans we must be united.

"We are fighting with imperialism. We want to defend our values as Africans. Now we are seeing some Western countries being engaged in abhorrent practices," he said.

Sibanda slammed foreign nations for interfering with Zimbabwe's internal affairs.

Recently, the government summoned the United States Chargè d'Affaires Elaine French over a series of election-related posts made by the embassy which it said meddled with Zimbabwean politics.

"I know the problems that we are going through, I know the confusion that sometimes is there in our revolution, even in our party itself. I know the problems that we face as a nation because of outsiders that are interfering in our affairs, both politically and economically," he said.

Source - NewZimbabwe