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Chamisa fingered in Harare City Council recruitment storm

by Staff reporter
19 Jun 2023 at 06:46hrs | Views
OPPOSITION CCC leader Nelson Chamisa has been fingered in an alleged Harare City Council recruitment storm amid allegations that he is trying to impose senior management staff, with his latest nominee being a crony.

Mr Chamisa is alleged to be interfering with the day to day running of local authorities especially Harare City Council where he is alleged to have ordered CCC councillors to appoint a ZiFM employee as head of corporate communications in interviews scheduled for today.

Ironically, the CCC-led council has often accused the Government through the Local Government Ministry of meddling in council affairs.

Harare City Council chairperson of the human resources and general purposes committee, Ward 41 councillor Kudzai Kadzombe, yesterday confirmed that interviews would be conducted today as advertisements had arleady been published for the job and applications received.

"We have an interview tomorrow (today). It is the town clerk responsible for the recruitment. You have never seen president Chamisa at Town House.

"Even us policy makers are not involved. Even me the HR chairperson I am yet to get hold of the long list of the selected candidates. I have got no access to it. Even human resources director Mr Matengarufu has no sight of it. There is a procedure done by juniors who submit to the town clerk's office," she said.

A CCC councillor who spoke to The Herald pleading for anonymity said 40 applicants applied for the coveted position and nine were shortlisted.

"Out of the nine some of the candidates selected do not meet the requirements, for example they do not have a masters degree which was a requirement in the job advert," said the councillor.

The town clerk, who as the head of department is supposed to shortlist the candidates, is said to be powerless when it comes to that as he is given directives.

It is alleged that to sanitise the process, three council employees were among those shortlisted but there are no intentions to offer them the position even if they excel in the interviews as there is an instruction to recruit from outside.

"Most of the decisions we make in council are predetermined and we are just there to rubber stamp decisions made by our leadership," said the councillor.

Source - The Herald