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'Kasukuwere arrest warrants are invalid'

by Staff reporter
03 Jul 2023 at 16:00hrs | Views
Zimbabwean independent Presidential Election candidate Saviour Kasukuwere's chief election agent Jackie Sande,  who is a lawyer, has dismissed police claims that there are two warrants of arrest for the aspiring President.

Zimbabwean police say the South African-based Kasukuwere, a former MP and minister, will be arrested if he returns home to campaign for the 23 August presidential election.

Sande says the old warrants are invalid as the related charges that led to them were quashed, hence they are now of no legal force and effect.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa is clearly panicking over his old Zanu PF colleague and rival's entry into the potentially explosive race.

Mnangagwa will challenged in the key election by main opposition CCC leader Nelson Chamisa, Kasukuwere and eight other less significant candidates.

Source - the chronicle