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Jonathan Moyo not meeting Kasukuwere in Kenya

by Staff reporter
05 Jul 2023 at 11:56hrs | Views
Exiled Zimbabwean former Zanu-PF MP and minister Jonathan Moyo - now based in Kenya - says he is not one of the people or their networks that independent presidential election candidate Saviour Kasukuwere is scheduled to meet during his visit to Nairobi to engage politicians, business leaders and prominent individuals over Zimbabwe's crucial upcoming general elections.

"Well, it's news to me that he is in Nairobi; he has not contacted me and I haven't contacted him either. As a result there is no set meeting. The story ends there," Moyo said.

This comes as Moyo has publicly dissociated himself from his brother Vincent Moyo who is standing in Tsholotsho North, Matabeleland North province, as an independent candidate in support of Kasukuwere.

Moyo and Kasukuwere worked closely together in Zanu-PF, especially within the G40 faction which supported the late former president Robert Mugabe to stay on in the twilight zone of his long and controversial political career before he was ousted in a 2017 coup which brought President Emmerson Mnangagwa to power.

They both both survived a night military raid on them and their families while nervously huddled at Kasukuwere's house in fear of the rumbling coup in November 2017.

After that they took refuge in Mugabe's Blue Roof mansion surrounded by soldiers before staging a dramatic escape into Mozambique and then Kenya.

Kasukuwere later relocated to South Africa where he is still based.

In 2018, Kasukuwere briefly returned home but was hounded out again. He wants to come back, but police and authorities have warned they will arrest him.

The ambitious ex-Zanu-PF political commissar insists he is coming back to Zimbabwe for the election.

Kasukuwere will battle it out with Mnangagwa and main opposition CCC leader Nelson Chamisa in the 23 August presidential election.

Source - online