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Snubbed CCC candidates form coalition

by Staff reporter
06 Jul 2023 at 16:27hrs | Views
EIGHT former Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) aspiring candidates for Victoria Falls have formed a coalition of independent candidates to rally support for each other ahead of the August 23 elections.

They elected to stand as independent candidates after they were shut out during the CCC candidate selection process.

Independent candidate for ward 11, Morgan Dube, confirmed that they have formed a coalition.

He said the other members of the coalition were Tafadzwa Mutowa who is eyeing ward 2, Dumisani Masuku (ward 3), Shadreck Sibindi (ward 4), Respect Thakaya (ward 7), Khumbulani Mpofu (ward 8), Vusumuzi Sibanda (ward 9) and Abel Muzhuzha (ward 10).

"Eight of the 11 wards in Victoria Falls Urban in the Hwange West constituency have independent candidates thanks to the fraudulent CCC candidate selection process that created this scenario," Dube said.

"The process was inconsistent and biased towards certain cluster leaders' relatives or ‘disciples'. One major reason for becoming an independent politician and standing for election was lack of transparency and corruption of these political parties in the selection of candidates."

Dube said Victoria Falls residents urged them to stand as independent candidates.

"Independent candidates usually feel indebted to their wards in the case of councillors and would be guided or rebuked by the same on their output," Dube said.

"An independent councillor is free to work for those they serve, rather than the interests of a political party. An independent councillor simply has more time to concentrate on and look after those they represent.

"The big difference between an independent and a party councillor is undoubtedly the freedom to act and vote in the interests of those they represent."

In other constituencies, CCC has double candidates resulting from the opposition party's chaotic candidate selection process.

CCC claims some of the candidates were sponsored by Zanu-PF and its affiliate group, Forever Associates Zimbabwe (FAZ).

Source - newsday