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Zanu-PF launches Gweru urban election campaign

by Staff reporter
11 Jul 2023 at 02:38hrs | Views
ZANU-PF yesterday launched the Gweru Urban election campaign with calls for the masses to vote for the ruling party next month as it has the people's interests at heart.

The election campaign saw the ruling party aspiring Member of the National Assembly, Alex Mukwembi, being introduced to the people by the party's secretary for External Affairs in the Politburo, Simbarashe Mumbengegwi.

President Mnangagwa launched the national election campaign in Chipinge recently, and the ruling party is now working round the clock to woo voters with the message centered on the various projects that the Second Republic has championed despite the continued imposition of sanctions.

Mumbengegwi told hundreds of people who had gathered at the party's offices in the city that it was time for the ruling party to reclaim urban seats from the opposition. He said Zanu-PF's aim was to ensure a resounding victory in all 28 constituencies in the Midlands province.

"Let us work hard so that we win all the 28 constituencies in the province. The number of people who have registered to vote amounts to six million, let us get all the six million votes," he said.

"We need to elect Zanu-PF members in all categories. If you vote for the President, why don't you vote for the MP and the councillor." Mumbengegwi said since the inception of the Second Republic in 2017, President Mnangagwa has ushered in mega-projects around the country, some of which have been completed and others are in the final stages of completion.

"President Mnangagwa is the party's sole Presidential candidate, and he is from the Midlands Province, thus the people of the province should offer him their unshakable and unflinching support," he said.

"President Mnangagwa has managed to steer the country to prosperity during his brief tenure as President. The country is now producing lithium and the Manhize Steel Plant is currently under construction, which is expected to lower the country's high steel import bill and improve exports," said Mumbengegwi.

He said President Mnangagwa has successfully re-engaged and engaged with various friendly nations, including some who were earlier antagonistic towards Zimbabwe.

"The youth of today must challenge themselves to identify what role they can play as young patriotic citizens to liberate our nation from economic underdevelopment. I encourage young people to be the vanguard of the economy, which means they have to be imaginative, creative, work hard, and not give up on their nation," said Mumbengegwi.

‘'Zimbabwe as a country cannot surge forward when its youths are trapped in poverty. Therefore, my call to the youth is to commit yourselves to economic liberation and economic development.

"The challenge we have today is that the youth do not appreciate that our country was liberated by young people." In his remarks, Mukwembi said he was confident of taking Gweru Urban from the opposition. He said he was inspired by President Mnangagwa for his unwavering dedication to bring about progress and development to the country.

"We are going to retake this constituency from the opposition as a means of honouring President Mnangagwa come August 23 election," he said.
"Our campaign teams are working tirelessly on the ground in order to reach out to the electorate, drum up support, and solicit votes for His Excellency President Mnangagwa and the revolutionary party Zanu-PF to secure an overwhelming and resounding victory."
He urged the people to refrain from violence before, during, and after the elections.

Source - The Chroncile
More on: #Zanu-pf, #Gweru, #Launch