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Mosquito pleads with Mayweather

by Staff reporter
14 Jul 2023 at 14:00hrs | Views
ZIMBABWE boxing legend and former Commonwealth champion Alfonso "Mosquito" Zvenyika yesterday pleaded with American superstar boxer Floyd "Money" Mayweather to help improve the country's boxing and scout talent locally.

Mayweather touched down at Robert Gabriel International Airport in his private jet yesterday morning for a three day visit.

Mayweather was welcomed by Betterbrands boss Pedzisai Scott Sakupwanya, Mike Chimombe and some Zanu-PF top officials.

Mayweather's visit was facilitated by Rontrow TMT and Betterbrands.

Only State media was allowed in for an interview with Mayweather at the airport.

The boxing superstar was later hosted in Mabvuku constituency where Sakupwanya is the aspiring House of Assembly Zanu-PF candidate in next month's general elections.

There were three exhibition fights witnessed by Mayweather in the afternoon at Number One Grounds in Mabvuku.

Mayweather also had an open work out session at the grounds.

In an interview with NewsDay Sport at the ground Zvenyika said he was elated to meet the champion.

"I am happy to meet Mayweather, this is my first time to meet Mayweather and a world champion, my first time to hug and shake hand with a world champion," he said.

"This is going to inspire a lot of youngsters in the country. My plea is to meet him and other boxers, we need Mayweather to scout for talent in the country and take them to America, we need to discuss with him how to improve boxing in the country," he added.

Sakupwanya said he was happy to bring the boxer.

"When I met him in Dubai, I promised you that I will bring him to Zimbabwe, so I am going to fulfil all the promises I have made under Zanu-PF," he said.

Source - the standard