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Journalist appeals for US$15,000 for child's heart operation

by Staff reporter
16 Jul 2023 at 04:14hrs | Views
A CHRONICLE staffer, Mashudu Netsianda is appealing for funds to enable his three-month-old baby to undergo open heart surgery in India.

The baby was born with a congenital heart defect called Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), a birth defect that affects normal blood flow through the heart.

To correct the condition, the baby has to undergo a surgical operation in India before turning 12 months old, at the latest, to avoid health complications.

According to quotations availed by hospitals in India, the procedure costs between US$15 000 and US$20 000 inclusive of air tickets and accommodation.

Given that the baby was also born with orofacial clefts, doctors said for that condition to be corrected, heart surgery should take precedence.

"My son was born with a congenital heart defect, which requires open heart surgery.  Presently, the surgery is not available in Zimbabwe, and I am therefore appealing for financial assistance to raise money for the required procedure in India," said Netsianda.

"From the quotations that we did, the treatment cost of this critical operation has been pegged at between US$7 000 and US$10 000 excluding accommodation and air tickets, which all in all get to around US$15 000 depending on the hospitals."

Their expected to stay in India is for a minimum of four weeks depending on how the child would be responding.

Bulawayo specialist paediatric cardiologist, Dr Davidzo Murigo-Shumba said the baby requires corrective surgery, which can only be performed outside the country.

"The baby has a heart condition called Tetralogy of Fallot. There was a problem when his heart was forming and it resulted in the condition.

Tetralogy of Fallot is a condition when there is a hole between some chambers or rooms of the heart and also one of the pipes coming from the heart is small.

The baby needs an operation to close the hole in the heart and to make the small pipe bigger. It is highly recommended that the operation be done before the baby turns a year old," she said.
Well-wishers can use the following banking details:

Banking details
Mashudu Netsianda
FBC Bank Nostro Account
Branch Jason Moyo Bulawayo

RTGS Banking details
FBC Jason Moyo
Ecocash number 0772398585 Mashudu Netsianda

Source - The Sunday News