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Peter Ndlovu endorses Kasukuwere?

by Staff reporter
18 Jul 2023 at 18:01hrs | Views
Zimbabwe's independent presidential election candidate Saviour Kasukuwere has secured rare solidarity support from the country's greatest footballer of all time Peter Ndlovu.

It is not sure whether Ndlovu has ditched the All People's Party.

Sometime in 2021, the interim leader of the All People's Party said former Warriors skipper had shown some keen interest in leading the party in the runup to Zimbabwe's 2023 council, parliamentary and presidential elections.

In an interview, Sabastian Mubvumbi said all party supporters want Ndlovu to lead the party "as the two bulls (MDC and Zanu PF) in the ring are now tired and maybe a third voice would come in and try to balance things."

Mubvumbi said he has held at least two meetings with Ndlovu, who is affectionately known as Nsukuzonke, where they discussed possibilities of him becoming the next Zimbabwean president.

He said they looked for a candidate that would attract people's attention.

"That's when Peter Ndlovu's name was mentioned and everyone was happy about him.

"I held meetings with him in South Africa. I used to fly to South Africa and we talked about this and he was agreeable. He said ‘go and make the right arrangements and when the right time comes I'm at your disposal'. This is why you see that I'm the current acting president but the people's choice is Peter Ndlovu. This seat is reserved for Peter. I don't have any reservations about that

"Peter is still gainfully employed in South Africa. He is employed by one of the country's billionaires and if this thing (party) takes shape and he is willing to come back home, he will take the top party position and lead us in the 2023 general elections."

He said, "… Come 2023, Peter's name will be on the ballot box. I'm very certain about that. We have done our homework."

Efforts to contact Ndlovu were fruitless as he did not respond to questions sent to him by VOA Zimbabwe Service.

Former soccer star George Weah, 51, was elected president in Liberia in 2018.

Source - online