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Zimra seizes Mliswa campaign material

by Staff reporter
19 Jul 2023 at 06:49hrs | Views
THE Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (Zimra) has reportedly seized campaign material belonging to Norton legislator Temba Mliswa (Independent) on suspicion that it was being smuggled into the country without paying duty.

According to a reliable source, the seizure took place on Saturday night after Zimra stumbled upon the consignment at Beitbridge Border Post while searching a cross-border bus.

"At 2am on 15/07/23, 580 T-shirts and 465 hats belonging to Mliswa were seized by Zimra for an attempt to smuggle them into the country using one of the cross-border buses," a source privy to the information told NewsDay.

The source said the duty was estimated at US$3 000.

When contacted for comment, Mliswa said he was awaiting delivery from his supplier

"I am expecting a delivery from a supplier for regalia," Mliswa told NewsDay while expressing ignorance over the seizure of the campaign material.

Police said they were not aware of the case.

"I am not aware. Call in after one hour," police national spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said.

However, he was not answering his phone more than an hour later.

Mliswa will face off Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) candidate Richard Tsvangirai and Constance Shamu (Zanu-PF), the wife of former Cabinet minister Webster Shamu.

Analysts say Mliswa will have to work hard to retain the seat.

In 2018, Mliswa shocked the nation when he trounced then Zanu-PF candidate Chris Mutsvangwa, who was expected to win.

Source - newsday