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Chamisa's CCC to fight and fight hard

by Staff reporter
20 Jul 2023 at 06:48hrs | Views
CITIZENS Coalition for Change has said they are prepared to fight hard in defense of their impending victory in this year's general election adding that so far there are clear indicators that the electoral body is short-changing the opposition in its mandate.

Speaking at a press conference in Harare, Wednesday, CCC spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere said the party will pursue every possible means to defend its votes.

Mahere, who was responding to a question on the party's way forward should ZEC fail to address the concerns raised over the voters' roll, urged voters to remain at the polling stations after voting as part of efforts to curb possible rigging mechanisms.

"The first and most important call to action for every citizen is that we need to win big, vote big, defend big.

"We need to ensure that we all stay at our polling stations, our polling agents will be in place so that there is no scope for these electoral malpractices to take route," Mahere said.

The CCC spokesperson hinted at part of the measures the opposition will take including litigation and political pressure.

"We are going to use every single tool available to us, we are going to use litigation obviously, we are going to use political pressure but we are also going to use our own internal mobilisation."

Mahere scoffed at Zanu-PF for soiling MDC-Alliance saying CCC had proved to be a formidable force against the ruling party.

"CCC we are not crybabies, we are champions for a reason so we are going to fight and fight hard and Zanu-PF's posture tells you beyond any doubt that we are no walkover. They thought they buried us when they did their shenanigans with the MDC Alliance.

"Here we are the biggest political party in the country. So we are going to fight, they must expect that we are going to fight hard so that we win Zimbabwe for change," Mahere added.

Source - NewZimbabwe
More on: #Chamisa, #CCC, #Zanu-PF