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Chiwenga calls on Zimbabweans to honour liberation war icons

by Staff reporter
20 Jul 2023 at 06:53hrs | Views
People in Midlands should honour the liberation war icons hailing from the province who gallantly fought for the country's independence by voting resoundingly for President Mnangagwa and the revolutionary Zanu-PF in the August 23 elections.

This was said Vice President Constantino Chiwenga when he addressed thousands of Redcliff residents at a rally at Torwood Stadium yesterday where he shared President Mnangagwa's development agenda.

VP Chiwenga said Midlands Province, which Redcliff constituency falls under, was a province of high political consciousness having given the revolution great sons and daughters who played leading roles in the country's quest for independence and development.

He singled out liberation war stalwarts like the late Leopold Takawira, the late General Josiah Magama Tongogara, the late General Alfred Nikita Mangena, the late Cephas Msipa, the late Richard Hove and the late Lieutenant-General Sibusiso Moyo, among others.

Against this rich history, he said it was incumbent upon the people of Redcliff and Midlands in general to resoundingly vote for President Mnangagwa and ruling Zanu-PF candidates for council and parliamentary seats.

He said the Second Republic was eager to see problems afflicting Redcliff Town addressed as a matter of urgency and residents must resoundingly vote for the ruling Zanu-PF party so that it can accomplish that mission.

Zimbabwe is due to hold harmonised elections next month and pollsters are tipping President Mnangagwa and the ruling party to secure another mandate on the back of the development trajectory the country has been set on.

Local Government and Public Works Minister July Moyo is the party's parliamentary candidate for Redcliff Constituency.

Most of Redcliff Town's problems emanate from the closure of giant steel company, the Zimbabwe Iron and Steel Company (Zisco) because of a myriad of challenges but Government has set the company on a revival plan after roping in diversified resources concern Kuvimba Mining House as a resuscitation partner.

Up to 3 500 former Zisco employees, most of whom are still resident in the town, are owed pension payments and other terminal benefits by the company which closed down before meeting its obligations while more than a thousand are living in houses which they do not have title to.

Social services, some of which heavily relied on Zisco, are virtually non-existent but Government — in line with President Mnangagwa's thrust of leaving no place and no one behind in the country's development — has already begun attending to some of these challenges.

"This morning I toured Torwood Hospital and we want to reopen it so that you get healthcare services closer to you in line with our national vision," said VP Chiwenga. "We have told Kuvimba to expedite the resuscitation of Zisco so that the company can be fully operational and people here get jobs. Downstream local economic activities should be stimulated as is the wish of our visionary leader, His Excellency Dr Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa.

"There is also the issue of former Zisco employees who didn't get their pensions from the company. We want these pensions to be addressed quickly. I am advised that they are 3 500 pensioners who were affected by the closure of the company.  

"President Mnangagwa has also launched the Presidential title deeds scheme and some in Harare suburbs like Epworth have already benefited and we want this extended here so that residents of Redcliff can get their title deeds as well.

"For title deeds, your candidate here, together with the Minister of Justice and Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education are working day and night to produce the title deeds which will be handed over to those living in properties they do not legally own yet.

"Let us be patient while this programme takes its course. Your title deeds are coming," said the VP.

Moyo thanked President Mnangagwa for the development Redcliff had experienced under the Second Republic saying there were bigger plans in store.

He said it was now up to Government departments and organs of the party to implement set development projects.

"Our job is now the full implementation to make sure people quickly benefit from what they are supposed to benefit from, for instance the title deeds programme," said Moyo.

"We want to thank the President and the Vice President who was sent by the President for all the developments that have come and are coming here.

"It is the people of Redcliff who are set to benefit from the title deeds scheme, employment opportunities being created, healthcare services, good roads and all the services that are being availed.

"We are confident of victory come August 23, the people have promised to vote for President Mnangagwa and the ruling Zanu-PF party and the numbers coming to rallies is indicative of the support the party has," he said.

 A ruling party supporter Ms Lisa Chivanga said: "President Mnangagwa has created opportunities for everyone, even us vendors. We have benefited from Government's business friendly policies that enables all to grow.

"What makes us happier is the amenities that are being improved for the benefit of the populace, like boreholes, roads and electricity among others."

Ms Esther Phiri she was desperately in need of a home as she neared retirement.

"Title deeds are all we want. I am 63 years old and you want a guarantee that even if you die, you will leave your children under a roof so we are happy with the title deeds scheme."

Mr Brian Choto lamented that his brother did not get terminal benefits when he left the employ of Zisco, a situation which had left his family almost impoverished.

"My brother didn't get his pension from Zisco so I am happy the Government is working on that and also the resuscitation of Zisco so that we will also be employed."

Source - The Chroncile