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Police release names of Stallion Cruise bus accident victims

by Staff reporter
21 Jul 2023 at 06:27hrs | Views
POLICE have released the names of the five people who died in an accident when a Stallion Cruise bus overturned at the five kilometre peg along Binga-Siabuwa Road, near Masumu Bridge, Samende area on Sunday.

About 24 people were also injured in the accident.

Circumstances are that the Stallion Cruise bus was travelling to Bulawayo when it overturned and landed on its roof.

In a statement National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said the bodies of the victims were taken to Binga District mortuary for post mortem while the injured passengers were admitted to the same hospital.

 "It was the second accident involving a Stallion Cruise bus after another bound for Bulawayo caught fire in Mutare on July 11," said Asst Comm Nyathi.

The five victims were identified by their next of kin as Peter Pendas Munsaka (36) from Magobo Village, Siabuwa, Binga, Shadreck Munkuli (37) of Siachiyanze 4 village Sinampande, Binga, Kunizi Munsaka (3) Kaningo Village, Sinampande, Siabuwa, Rosemary Mwide (43) and Maria Mudenda (61) from Mukovela Village, Nagangala area Siabuwa, Binga.

Asst comm Nyathi implored drivers to exercise extreme caution on the country's roads and to adhere to stipulated speed limits.

Source - B-Metro